You want to stand out in your niche, build credibility and attract your ideal client with a website and sales page that converts

You have worked on your brand strategy with a business coach and now need help with the implementation of the action plan

You want to fine-tune your design & systems and seamlessly launch your course or membership without tech issues

You’re juggling multiples roles as a solopreneur & you need someone onboard who gets you and works along with you

Do the above points sound like you? Then look no further. You are in the right place.

Hello I’m Fathima

Welcome to Business Beyond Realms, where I help female entrepreneurs make a bigger impact in the world using the right design and technology perfect for them. 


BBR was found as a result of the mess my life was a couple of years back. There was a time in my life when I felt so alone, depressed, and almost hopeless. I was pregnant with a one-year-old toddler in hand, and facing a major trial that made it hard for me to even get out of bed. 


But I turned to self-help books and online courses to help me cope with the pain and escape my reality. I participated in every conference, webinar, and challenge I could find and unapologetically started investing in myself. 


Coaching calls became my absolute favorite and I saw a massive shift within myself. I started questioning my feelings, beliefs, and thoughts. Mindset coaching and inner work transformed me and helped me understand the power of the mind. Without going through those challenges, I wouldn’t have broken through the imaginary ceilings in my own head.


That’s why I became an ambassador for the courses I participated in and realized that coaching programs reach only a small group of people, but many more need it and don’t even know it exists. 


So many female entrepreneurs do all the hard work in their businesses by themselves and end up burnt out and overwhelmed. Expanding their business seems impossible, either because they need to trust someone else to help them or because the tech aspect of it all is too much.


That’s where Business Beyond Realms comes in. We help these female entrepreneurs get their message out to a wider audience and make a real difference in the lives of people who need it. We work hand in hand with them so that they can stand out without the overwhelm and the burnout and excel in what they were meant to do.

“If you want to do a few small things right, do them yourself. If you want to do great things and make a big impact, learn to delegate”

John C. Maxwell ​


You have something amazing to share, that the world needs. There are women out there, whose life will metamorphose by being introduced to you and your expertise.

If you are ready to step up and need some help, let’s connect

"If you are not growing, you are dying"

Tony Robbins